Sunday Oct 08, 2023

How to turn Career Failures into Career Gold - with Dr. Ally Jaffee

In this episode, we dive deep into a topic many of us shy away from: failure. Dr. Ally Jaffee, is a Co-founder of Nutritank, a nutritional education platform for healthcare professionals. We explore her own journey of overcoming setbacks starting from failing to get into medical school, and how embracing failure can be pivotal for growth.


  • [00:00:04] Dr. Abeyna Bubbers-Jones introduces Dr. Ally Jaffee and sets the tone for the conversation about embracing failures.
  • [00:01:43] Dr. Jaffee shares what drives her: Passion. Her mantra of 'work hard -> achieve passion' keeps her moving forward.
  • [00:03:18] Both doctors reflect on the challenges they faced in getting into medical school and the importance of perseverance.
  • [00:08:13] Dr. Jaffee talks about the development of her interest in nutrition during a gap year, laying the foundation for Nutritank.
  • [00:10:10] Strategies for navigating challenges and being vocal in a hierarchical system like the healthcare industry.
  • [00:14:28] The importance of open conversations, challenging biases, and promoting mental health awareness among medical professionals.
  • [00:17:02] Embracing failure and its role in growth and learning. The power of reframing failures as opportunities.


Standout Quotes:

The Importance of Passion and Self-Nourishment: "Passion is what drives me and allows me to keep wanting to push, push, push, and break the glass ceiling and push boundaries."
— Dr. Ally Jaffee [00:03:09 → 00:03:17]

Fighting Against the Odds: "Going into upper six, my last year of school was really daunting because my teachers were telling me not to bother applying for medicine. And they said to me that I should just go with my strengths, and that was languages, that was my English literature A."
— Dr. Ally Jaffee [00:06:52 → 00:07:12]

Passion for Holistic Healthcare: "So on the year out, which I am so grateful for, and do believe that a lot of the time life happens for you rather than to you. So when I couldn't join all my friends who were going off to university first time round, and I was kind of on my own, I was working, saving up to go traveling and reapplying for medical school. That was when I developed my interest for nutrition and just healthy living in general, because I was curious, I had time, I went traveling. Food was always fascinating to me, and one way or another, I started just reading more about the evidence basis around nutrition to not only prevent chronic disease, but also manage it. And then I started medical school already primed. With that passion for holistic healthcare."
— Dr. Ally Jaffee [00:08:36 → 00:09:25]

"When to Assert Yourself and When Not to": "My biggest piece of advice is if you are of the change making kind of caliber and you have an appetite for just not sitting with the status quo, is realize that there's a time and a place and respect and humility is very important and knowing when to assert yourself and when not to."
— Dr. Ally Jaffee [00:10:11 → 00:10:33]

The Truth Behind Success Stories: "And there's a diagram with it's basically a before and an after. And it's just a grid and you see lots of ticks, ticks, ticks, ticks, ticks, which signified the successes and it's the after, which are the ticks all in those same grid places, but there are crosses all around them. And that's the part of the grid that you don't see."
— Dr. Ally Jaffee [00:20:35 → 00:20:54]

The Importance of Normalizing Failure: "So I think it's so important about normalizing it and actually having senior leaders in particular talk about their failures when they were younger, but also right now in their very senior positions because we shouldn't be putting anyone on a pedestal and we shouldn't be thinking that we can't do anything."
— Dr. Ally Jaffee [00:21:13 → 00:21:30]


See failures not as roadblocks but as stepping stones. It's about the journey, not just the destination. And sometimes, the most significant lessons come from the detours.


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Featured Guest:
For more insights and inspiration, connect with Dr. Ally Jaffee on LinkedIn or visit Nutritank's official platform.

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Dr Abeyna Bubbers-Jones is a practising medical doctor and Founder of Medic Footprints: the global platform connecting doctors with diverse career opportunities beyond conventional medicine.

Her mission is to dramatically elevate health outcomes in the world by connecting 1 million doctors with diverse careers by 2030.

Continually exploring her own path off the medical treadmill, she has developed a wealth of expertise in specialist recruitment connecting industry & health tech companies with talented doctors, whilst supporting & coaching doctors in their own career development and wellbeing.

She is an award-winning entrepreneur, Consultant Occupational Health Physician, BBC Expert Voice, Public Speaker, Musician and not-so-good boulderer!


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